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Why are backlinks important in SEO?

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January 24, 2022 Why are backlinks important in SEO?

The world of Search Engine Optimization is fascinating. Google tracks the activities for your website before assigning a rank to it. If customers are visiting your website or if they are happy with the content they are finding on the website. These are the points that the search engine looks out for. It also considers raising the rank of your website if quality content is being produced on it. This can be determined by the number of backlinks on it.

SEO optimization includes many methods. One of them is using backlinks. Backlinks are used to direct other people to your website. An SEO company will use these to increase the number of viewers for your website.

What is a backlink?

A backlink is an indirect link to your website. Instead of directly searching for your website or your content, they are using a link to access your site. These links can be found on other web pages like blogs or articles. These pages have mentioned your website and provided a link for it.

What are the types of backlinks?

Backlinks can be of two types.

1. Natural – These backlinks are provided without any effort on the part of the owner. The page with the backlink to your website has done this on its own. The blog or article writer found your website relevant and important to their content and therefore added the link for their viewers. You will need to provide high-quality content for this to happen.

2. Unnatural – You need to contact the other website owner first. You have to convince them that your content is related to what they are providing. Therefore adding your backlink will help their customers. If they are convinced your backlink will be added. You can also provide a guest post for their website. This post will include your backlink.

What should you keep in mind about backlinks?

Just getting a backlink or posting a backlink will not be enough. There are certain things that you need to keep in mind.

1. The content for which your backlink has been added must be relevant to what your product or services are. If you are a retail store then you cannot have a backlink in an article about make-up. Similarly, if you are in the make-up industry you cannot have a backlink in a post about clothes. So you need to make sure that the website is related to your work.

2. Not all websites are useful. There are a lot of websites that are not reliable and not recognized by Google as well. So even if you have 100 backlinks, if they are not from reliable websites then it will not count. Your credibility may go down if so many fake websites contain a link to your website. So you need to focus on the quality instead of the quantity.

3. If you hire SEO services in Kolkata like Next Screen Infotech, then they will tell you that too many links in one post will also lower your credibility. Though some will disagree. But it can happen. Because there are so many links, your link may not be able to stand out. And if your link does not stand out, search engines may not be able to track it. You need them to track the backlinks so that you can raise your search engine rankings.

Why are backlinks important?

Backlinks can be considered important in two ways:

1. They are directing users from other websites to yours. So you are getting users that you may not have gotten otherwise.

2. The second way that they are helping you is through search engines. You need to get a high rank for more exposure. And backlinks are one way to ensure that you get that. Search engines will be able to calculate content quality and user satisfaction through the backlinks.

Be sure to collaborate with NextScreen Infotech to avail the best SEO services in Kolkata and to learn more about this topic.

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